Allen Freeman, Common Pleas Clerk of Courts
Paul C. Kamphaus, Municipal Clerk of Court
Clermont County, Ohio

Welcome to the case management system for the Clermont County Municipal Court and Common Pleas Courts. This site is provided as a service by the Clerk of Courts to facilitate easier public access to the court records.

Please Note : This site does not contain records pertaining to civil domestic violence petitions.

Attached is the Ohio Attorney General informal opinion in accordance which we will be granting access for Municipal Court: ClermontCountyInformalOpinion4.13.2021.pdf.

Every attempt has been made to provide current information. However, it may not reflect changes, pleadings and decisions which have not been posted or filed with the office of the clerk. In no event shall the Clermont County Clerk of Courts be held liable for damage of any nature, direct or indirect arising from the use of this Internet product; including loss of profits, loss of savings or other incidental or consequential damages.

Attorneys requesting a login to the system need to contact us at the following email address and specify the court(s) that you need access to. Please contact: (Please include : Court(s) to be accessed, Name, Email Address, Bar Code, Organization/Law Firm, and Phone Number)

For questions or comments about the website, please contact the webmaster via email at: Email Webmaster

A phone directory is available to assist you in contacting the proper office should you have any questions or concerns with which we can be of assistance.

*Common Pleas Court records prior to January 1, 1988 and Municipal Court records prior to May 1, 1996 are located in the office of the Clerk.